【同义词辨析】 2019-06-21 显著noticeable-striking

noticeable: applies to something unlikely to escape observation: a piano recital with no ~ errors.

remarkable: applies to something so extraordinary or exceptional as to demand attention or comment: a film of ~ intelligence and wit.

prominent: applies to something that commands notice by standing out against its surroundings or background: a doctor who occupied a ~ position in the town.

outstanding: applies to something that rises above and excels others of the same kind: honored for her ~ contributions to science.

conspicuous: applies to something that is obvious and unavoidable to the sight or mind: the ~ waste of the corrupt regime.

salient: applies to something of significance that thrusts itself into attention: list the ~ points of the speech.

signal: applies to what deserves attention as being unusually significant: ~ contribution to sculpture.

striking: applies to something that impresses itself powerfully and deeply upon the mind or vision: the backwardness of the area is ~ even to casual observers.

noticeable让人注意的: 指不太可能观察不到,remarkable值得关注评论: 指很优秀,值得关注评论,prominent显著: 和背景环境相比突出 ,outstanding突出: 指超越同类,conspicuous明显: 指某物显而易见,视觉或思维上无法避免,salient显著重要: 表示显著重要,令人关注,signal显著重要: 非同寻常得显著重要,striking令人印象深刻: 给人视觉上或思维上留下深刻印象

记忆方法: 1)首字母NRPOCSSS排序成NorthStar/SOS/PRC,即北极星/国际求援标志/中华人民共和国<==三个最显著的事物

         2)显著的意思是吸引注意力mean attracting notice or attention.        notice注意,泛指听到看到意识到等,attention也是注意,但强调认真careful,或者只是表示一般的注意到implies notice, interest, awareness,如he avoids attracting attention to himself他避免自己惹人注意